Thursday, May 30, 2002

Memories #38
"there's a teabag on the ceiling of smcsu...deans got tea at timmy ho's one day and after drowning it in his cup...he took it out...swung it around the room...finally letting go and to this day the teabag remains...well...until we start painting the ceiling...thank god deans doesn't drink tea that often..."

i'm just gonna ramble for a no particular order...

i'm on the subway going home tonight and i'm soooooo tired after that excrutiating 3 hr linguistics class that didn't need to be so long but it was...and plus my feet are killing me cuz i was wearing my boots today so i could be taller cuz karina's so damn tall (i'll get to that in a bit) and i've been walking EVERYWHERE....and i've put my feet up on some seats cuz there weren't many ppl in the car at the about dundas there's way more ppl in the car so i put my feet down so ppl can sit and this couple get on and i suppose they want to sit so i move over on the seat (it's those seats where you're facing front but it's also together with the side one) i'm basically triangled into this seat...and they're like allllllll over each other....where do you look? up at the nice ugly ceiling...or down at the nice ugly floor...or out the window where you can basically see everything they're doing anyway....ugh...

and then i get home and stupid veronica hui is causing me problems with her class she can't make it cuz she forgot there's a mtg or something...and this was switched from saturday cuz she has a party to go to...and now she wants to come in the afternoon after some ppl come to fix the window....and katelyn myrskog and her little timing fiasco too....i'm ready to kill someone...luckily ames comes up and makes me laugh so i feel better! thanx lil sis!

i sat with arash for this evening's lecture cuz i usually sit with susan ...but where she sits, i usually end up sitting next to this asian dude who thinks he's soooo hot and completely annoys the hell outta me...who the hell does he think he is?!?!? let me tell're NOT hot calm down and stop making stupid faces and noises....geez...

got an assignment back and got 95% because i was sooo stupid and underlined something that didn't need to be underlined...can you imagine?!?!?! one stupid underline...and technically it's susan's fault cuz when i was discussing this problem on the phone with her...i said that the answer was an experiencer and she said that it was probably and agent and theme...and then i thought about it and went with what she said and she thought about it and went with what i said...and I got it WRONG!!!! huff...

and now my eyes are like lead and are trying to shut....

i stayed up till 1am this morning watching....DAWSON'S CREEK?!?!?!?!? what the hell am i thinking?!?!? first for felicity and now for dc?!?!? i don't understand what i'm doing!?!?!? i guess i was just too lazy to turn off the tv and go up sooner ....i'm stupid...

and now...what i did this afternoon...had my piano lesson with mr. ed...where i did a deja vu...i forgot my piano books...again...why do i even bother going to class??? anyway...we did scales, ear-testing, intervals and sight-reading instead...i played some mozart for memory so it was ok...

met up with karen, kinsey and vicky for lunch...had vietnamese noodles upstairs from greg's ice cream...where i was completely tortured by those girls...hmm...maybe i SHOULD go into prostitution...i hear it makes good money these days....

met up with karina after lunch and we walked to maddy's (the madison) where we had fish and chips, wings...and i downed a sex on the beach and gin & tonic...karina had a sex on the beach and a long island iced tea...and heres the kicker... I DIDN'T GET CARDED!!! yeehaaa!! ;p

just for the record...des, david and cecilia...i have this huge-ass bruise on my wrist after that ass-whooping that stupid vending machine gave me yesterday...there was a bag of chips that looked like it was gonna fall after you hit it a coupla times...and i tried to hit it with my teeny hands...and yeh...i'm stupid...

i'm just gonna stick this poem in...i read it and i feel better...

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it.

“Lord, You said that once I decided to follow You, You’d walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why when I needed You most You would
leave me.”

The Lord replied, “My son, My precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I
carried you.”

Author Unknown

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