Thursday, May 09, 2002

Memories #20
"studying at the kelly library with jay...thanx to jay we've christianed it the kelly 'bundy' library...that's why i call it that now...nyah! we checked out one of those study rooms and spent 4hrs studying bio...and chatted maybe 20% of the know that you don't really get to know someone until you study with them? and then we ate at jaka's and then went back to studying at kelly!"

rain is too cool…i luv the pitter-patter of the rain when it splotches down on things…especially car roofs and umbrellas and our skylight…it has such a soothing sound…even at its angriest…when it comes down the hardest and fastest…that’s what it was like today…i woke up to lightning and thunder which i don’t particularly like…but then in the background was the pitter-patter..pitter-patter..pitter-patter..hmm…ever walk in the rain? most of the time i just wish i brought my umbrella and hate the soggy hair and the head colds…but sometimes if the rain is warm and consistent…it make my head sensitive and it TICKLES! it’s really fun! i’d be walking and i’d just start giggling and laughing and ppl would be like ‘what’s wrong with her?’ those are good rain! ever watch rain make puddles? (it seems that i have too much time on my hands) it’s really neat how the rain drops make little circle droplets in the puddles…and you know how hard or how much rain is coming down by the droplets…teeheee….yeh…rain is TOO cool…

"In my dreams i'll always see you soar above the sky,
In my heart they'll always be a place for you, for all my life,
I'll keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am there you'll be
And everywhere I am there you'll be"

Faith Hill - soundtrack to Pearl Harbor

so TANAKA!!!! it's great to see you again! and richard is the coolest guy on earth! he's definitely a keeper! now if only i can find myself someone like him...hmmm...and karina...i forgot to give you the's been fun! can you believe we ran into rose today? at the eaton centre! wow! but then again she's going to class at ryerson...;p it's been such a long time...and it was just like old times! we laughed our asses off! and then we were going home tanaka and i got to downsview station at 8:20 and guess what? that next bus is at 9pm...thank you so much mom for picking us up and giving tanaka a drive home! otherwise we'd get home at like 10pm!!!!

we should go drinking sometime...

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