Friday, June 14, 2019

We the North...

has become We the Champions!!!! Congratulations to the Toronto Raptors who have won their very first-ever NBA championship title as of June 13, 2019! They, the rogue team winning in the oracle arena, wow...good times to the Raptors!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

When They See Us

I just finished watching the 4 part Netflix series 'When They See Us', directed by Ava DuVernay. Considering I never followed the story when it occurred (I was too young to have known about it); even though I know very little about Central Park Five case, I feel it's given me a better understanding of what happened back in 1989.

The acting was phenomenal and made me feel so bad about whatever sort of trauma that the kids went through. So many emotions went through me as I was watching it. Bravo to such a well told story of such a brutal event! It definitely puts a different perspective on how I view life, considering what others have gone through.

I plan on watching the special Oprah Winfrey Presents When They Se Us Now that's going to come out tomorrow.

A very well titled series: I (we) see you...