Sunday, May 12, 2002

Memories #23
"heeeeyyy jude!! unfortunately the jude i know is kinda first he'd just kiss me on the forehead...and now it's escalated to something like slobbering everytime i see him....ewwww..."

went dress shopping with grace are WAY TOO PICKY! how long have you been looking for your prom dress since TWO YEARS AGO!!!! me...queen and spadina is a shop called 'ooh la la''s got the BEST dresses for cheap prices...either way...i hope it's worth all this time....just go and have fun...and whatever jules and your mom don't NEED to ask chris phillips, k? alright...hehee...and your now INFAMOUS muffin dress! i'll never forget how the saleslady started laughing her head off when i told her you called the red frilly dress a muffin...hahahaaaa!!!

good dinner at mandarin, huh? who knew that the 'sex on the beach' drink was gonna be a shooter? haha...that was fun tho...i was WONDERING why the little sips i was taking were pure vodka!!! anyways...i'm alright! and those perfume flowers that they gave our moms? very very cool!!! this is my fortune from the fortune cookie:

"Although a long life may not be enough, a good life is usually long enough."

other than...gave mom her mother's day present today...she loved it!! i love the fact that i don't need to spend too much money on her..she always tells me that she's rather i get good marks then spend tons of money on something she may not even want...yeah mom!!! so mom....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! mwah! luv ya! (however...she doesn't read my blog...bummer)

i just remembered julia and her jello...that girl is a human jello eater...and it's scary when she can't finish jello...but i understand...she's only eaten almost every jello that's fallen off her spoon...

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