Thursday, May 23, 2002

Memories #33
"going to visit emsley one day...ran into marko who was sooo glad to see me because he was chatting with this girl on icq who knew mandarin, french and spanish and wanted to impress matt patterson and i helped him out...or rather...tried to help him translating all these poetic terms...very difficult...but great fun!"

i wonder how old a kid is before they are weened off their mother's breast milk and onto something more i'm also wondering if there's some kinda code about breast-feeding in public...i'm sitting on the subway at 9pm...and this nice couple come on with a kid that looks three or four...and the mom just lifts up her shirt and pops the kid onto her boob...of course she does this quite efficiently and discreetly...but she leaves me wondering....yeh and plus i have nothing better to do then watch ppl feed their kids....

met up with joel for exactly an HOUR this hour because he finished work at 5pm and i started class at 6pm...and since he left a coupla mins early he got to indigo at EXACTly 5pm...and we's been great considering i haven't seen him in a very long case you ppl haven't got it yet...not seeing ppl for over 5 days is considered a long a very long time constitutes over 2 get the picture...either way...joel is pretty sketchy on this...but i THINK he's getting back together with shari!!! way to go!

met a very nice guy by the name of arash in linguistics class...

can you imagine? the course i like best (linguistics) and if i don't pay for the course by tomorrow they kick me outta that class! argh...stupid stupid school...btw...still havn't checked my parents have been asking me for my 'report card' this is getting icky!!!

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