Monday, March 27, 2023

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Wonderful chat with bestie, Karen yesterday!
It all started with an inquiry to a forensic opportunity and led to a great catch up and potential online games meet up in the near future!

*woot woot!!!*

Sunday, March 05, 2023

I've been watching 'Hot Ones' with for Sean Evans for a couple of seasons and considering I generally avoid spicy foods, I enjoy watching people eat spicy food to extreme discomfort. This week's episode had Sean chowing down with Jenna Ortega. She seems to be the first guest who was able to nosh all the wings to the end...even actually enjoying the spiciest!! #props Mar 2, 2023

American Idol Adin Boyer, 22 - autism (suditory sensory issues) - perfect pitch, coldplay at rosebowl #IDOL