Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Memories #42
"christian's january party at his house with egan was a blast! met up with gabs, ava, sandy, and edward at st. george station...waited about half an hour for frances...left her a msg on the dwa bench and off we went to the party! frances showed up later with some other friends...all in all we had a blast! let me tell you...christian's parties are the way to go!"

i was late meeting moshe today...the stupid transportation can be sooooo slow when i need to be on time...otherwise it just zips by soooo completely fast and i'm absurdly early...either way i was basically rushing outta queen's park and i HAD to run into ppl i man you're tooo cool for me! say hi to tammy for me even tho i don't know her! and i hope shari stops being mad at you! and robert! ooooh!!! biochem in the summer? that's harsh man! i remember how much fun you, kendra, andrew, rj, christine and i had in chm139! i can't believe andrew would run over from the other lab to chat with us while he leaves rj to stir the ingredients!

lisa and her wacky cool italian family! i just gotta mention her two older brothers...phil, who works and david, who goes to centennial (same as cyril!) and her mom who loves baileys! anyone who loves baileys is on my good list! so lisa, next time i'll come over when phil is barbecuing, k? and we'll watch the videos that you make at parties!

who's my nuttiest friend?!?!?!? FLO!!! she's the only person i know who can hit on the towel boy at the AC and find out his name...and now we'll see when you'll get mike's phone number!!!

"I've been around the world
And I've seen it all
I've been around the world
The sun will always rise and fall
I've been around the world
And I want you to see
I've been the only girl
All surrounded by mystery"

Aqua anyways...moshe didn't come cuz he went to work late...i thought it was cuz I was late...i was sitting on the bench outside med sci waiting when chris walks by...chilled with him instead...he's a cool guy! ;p

ran into vivien when i got to finch with david...and she has class on mon and weds from 6-9pm too! so from now on...she'll be chilling with us!

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