Sunday, June 02, 2002

Memories #40
"there was this one time andrew came to visit...and we went for bbtea at was me and...5 guys! john, andrew, alex, mark and pat...haha...i felt like i had five bodyguards when we went...i was in the middle and they were surrounding me...and mark had a hot bbtea, while everyone else had normal bbtea...and alex didn't have any cuz he doesn't like bbtea!"

hey vicks....thanx for blogging in english for me...but i didn't like your layout...i kept having to go left and right and left and right...and i soon got very dizzy from doing that...but what? now you're calling us artsies and i digress....I DON'T HAVE WEEKLY CRUSHS!?!?!?! well...maybe i USED to...but not anymore...or rather...not right's off season right can't hold ANY of this against me!!!! oh...and really...bobo threw my crush system outta wack...i wish i'd neve met's almost as bad as when i was crushing some other person from highschool...ugh....and just for the record...bobo is dead...i never want to see or hear from him again... really....if i EVER mention bobo ever again just hit me on the head or something...this goes for all you ppl that know who he is....

"And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky
I'll be there
I swear like a shadow that's by your side
I'll be there
For better or worse, till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear"

Boyz II Men

went to north york central library with ames today...she met up with her friend steph to do a project on the economics, political issues and political parties of the the 1990' fun...NOT! i went along cuz i figured that cuz it was a library i'd get some studying done, right? WRONG!!! i went down to the study section and it was nice for a bit...and then these groups of nutty girls come and i guess they don't know the meaning of 'quiet area' cuz they were definitely NOT quiet...i could hear their WHOLE conversations...thru my earplugs! ugh...either way...i was able to finish my tutorial readings for anthro...then i made the mistake of going off to find my silly sister and i saw with them thinking it would be quieter...unfortunately they had this thing about including me in their conversation( fault...i supplied an idea and THEN they started talking to me) so i don't think i even read two pages of my anthro text...we did however have some nice italian soda's and coffee chillate...

drove daddy and ames fun...i think ames will take a cab the next time i drive....

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