Sunday, April 28, 2002

Memories #9
"went to new years mauritian party with pat...he said it would be an honor if i came...and since it was up here in north york...i came....however...pat failed to mention that all the other ppl at the party were of mauritian origin too! there i was with a group of ppl that mostly spoke creole (sorta frenchy) and because they're of asian descent they thought i was mauritian so they spoke to me...until i gave them this really confused look...but it ok...everyone was REALLY nice and i met this really nice guy, nick...pat thought he liked me...i dunno...overall, we had GOOD TIMES!"

i watched 'pretty woman' last night...i LUV that movie! it's sooo romantic that a rich guy would pick up this prostitute and get married to her....awwww....i get sooo emotional when it comes to these things! ask ames...she HATES sitting next to me in movies cuz i'd start crying or laughing...and she'd make fun of me....*sigh*

"It must have been love but it's over now. It must have been good but I lost it somehow. It must have been love but it's over now. From the moment we touched 'til the time had run out."

Roxette - soundtrack of 'pretty woman'

i LUV this song! it's sooo pretty...i love soundtrack songs...i'm gonna get the armaggedon cd soundtrack sometime this week...i have one but it's the wrong's the rock one...i want the musical score one...those are soo pretty...*sigh...dreaming*

overall...NOT an interesting day...

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