Monday, April 29, 2002

Memories #10
"when i first met winsion, i thought his name was WINSTON...and so i called him that...and so did everyone else...until one day we were at the robarts and i was studying with christian, ed and winsion and christian and i noticed that winsion's name on his paper was WINSION...and chris was like ' forgot to cross your T's" and winsion's like 'no...that's my NAME' and we all burst out laughing (ok...we didn't BURST out...more like really quiet laughing) and told winsion we thought his name was WINSTON! and so we we called him 'where's the T?' for the rest of the day! ;p"

so yesh...i spent the day at robarts library 5th floor...haha...that's where the 'posse' hangs out! for some reason, at the beginning of the year, alot of us found ourselves studying around the 5th floor so that's where we'd go find everyone if we want to study with someone. poor winsion, frances and everyone else who took physics, anthropology and chem139 this semester...the physics exam was this morning 9-12pm, anthro exam this evening 7-10pm and chem is tomorrow 2-5pm....i REALLY FEEL for you guys! and yes, i betcha that RIGHT now they're studying their little minds away! good luck!

and then there's me and chem...yikes! i spent the morning and afternoon busting my after i finish this blog and dinner, i'll be back at plugging away at stupid chem...ugh...i'm really tired...but i didn't take a nap because i wasn't home (that's a GOOD thing) and now that i'm home...i REALLY want to sleep...but all i think is winsion's not even GONNA sleep till after tomorrow's i better take what i have and make the most of it!

i'm DEFINITELY going shopping or seeing a movie tomorrow...i don't know which one is better...aaahhhh...i can't wait!

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