Thursday, April 25, 2002

Memories #6
"mark pahuta...aka...little mario! mark, rashida and i met up infront of lash miller and started walking to st. mikes...mark is really cute in the way he walks! he sorta bounces along...but not like a bouncy BOUNCY walk...a really subtle mario!...but anyway...mark ran into a friend infront of uc and started talking to her...and rashida and i were standing at a distance analyzing his moves...the girl was lying on the grass looking up and him and he was standing with his hands on his hips...and we started a commentary...saying stuff like 'ooh look...mark dominating over the girl! he's got his hands on his hips and he's looking down on her...she hasta look up to him!' and we started laughing SOOOOO HARD...we almost peed in our pants!!! of course mark can hear our laughing...but he has no idea why...later we tell him why and start laughing again as he turns red! ;p so we now call him little mario..."

i'm in this pissy mood right now...guess who decided to visit this morning girls?!?!?! bah! guys won't get this ....but girls...please FEEL for me....this is sooo not the right time...why couldn't it wait till next wk?!?!?! now i've got to study calc with this burden! i feel i know how you felt for the formal...gah! i'm soooo dying! =(

of course...i SHOULD be studying calculus...but see...that's ANOTHER story....i tried studying...but i'm soooo deep under the water that i can't seem to pull myself out...i'm sooooo dead for that exam! i'm not understanding even the SIMPLEST concepts! aaahhhhh!!! but luckily...i've called up my good 'ol friend nasser and he'll be helping me out tomorrow morning...of course that will help a bit...but i've got to continue to plug away TODAY! so i've decided that i'll blog now (sorta like a break...a break from what?!?!?) and then finish studying...ewww....

btw...some ppl have asked me if i have too much time on my i REALLY don't...but because i have this attention deficiency disorder...i just seem need to give myself breaks every half hour or STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!

...ok...i'm finished now...

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