Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Memories #4
"smcsu retreat in october. i'd only been in university for bout a month and a half...that retreat was my first experience at 'drinking'...never knew how great 'rose tequila' shots are, that smirknoff vodka ices were chick drinks, and kirsten's sugared lemon slices with vodka was 'breath taking' ...literally...barnes and skinner were buzzed the entire time, flo threw up after drinking a LETTLE bit too much...and then toping it off with 'shrimp'...sharing a bunk bed with elaine with flo and paul in the bottom bunk...aww...cozy! climbing blue mountain! hahaha...we thought it would be a breeze...started RUNNING up the hill...not even a quarter of the way up we were all outta breath and DYING! ;p our little truth and dares? those are secrets we'll keep to ourselves...but evidence has been up on our 'hall of shame' at the smcsu office! ;p deans cooking breakfast in the morning for us...sleeping in rob's nice and warm sleeping bag...spaghetti par 'el presidente'...making hot chocolate for wongie...watching stupid tom green movies with jp and billy...dancing on table tops with holly, elaine, andrea, kate, flo and flanny! and lets not forget francke doing the jig on a table...*shudder*...ok...let's forget that..."

i'm on break...i've been at kelly bundy library since 9:45 this morning and it hasn't been pretty...nope...not at all...i was studying upstairs on the second floor with liz
(she happened to be studying there as well) and we got chased out by a stupid vacuum cleaner...it was so freaking loud...i just don't understand...do these cleaning ppl come up with some sorta contract with the library that says 'hey buddy...why don't you clean the library during exam period...during the day?' they must have...why else would they be so stupid to turn on that stupid machine in the middle of the day? ugh...liz tried to chew them out..but all the library ppl said was 'try writing it and sticking it in the suggestion box'

so that's my funk of the day...

ames...i got that cd you wanted today...cost me $20...you owe me BIG time...

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