Thursday, September 16, 2004

congrats to kalan porter, our next canadian idol! hahaha, for the record, i heard him sing for the first time tonight, talk about waiting until the end! ;p

so this has been a jam-packed fun fun week. i totally wasn't expecting to go out tuesday night, but somehow i got conned into going to o'grady's to watch the final hockey game: canucks vs. finns...and of course we rock, so after jacob spends $200 on food and beer for everyone, we hit the streets to yonge and college, go down to dundas where jake and chad jump in the fountain (oh, brandon, adam, greg, matt, simone, shelley, and bhavna were with us) and then we head back up to college for mickey d sundaes before heading home for some much needed sleep!

it was manny's birthday monday (happy belated manny!) and tomorrow (or is it today?) is faye's birthday. tanaka's back so it'll be good times! ames' is getting her wisdom teeth out tomorrow too, so we'll be having lots of ice cream meals too...hahaha. the silly girl's been reading stories about people getting their wisdom teeth out, and is now severely freaked out. hahahaha

i'm happy. mu's in bioethics with me...frasier's in chinese philosophy...aileen's in globalization and underdevelopment...and jenny's in speech disorders and language variation. the last two classes are the best because they're small and intimate, and the profs are genuinely interested in US (not the number) and we get to pick and work on our projects for the rest of the semester. groovy. i secretly love it. hahahahaha.

oh, and one more thing....ABT's BACK!!!!!


desiree said...

the profs are genuinely interested in US (not the number)so true. . . and i love it, too.

the little princess said...

hahaha, yah i think this is the part where it gets good!

Anonymous said...

Off the record: I didn't jump into the fountain, the fountain jumped onto me.