Friday, August 16, 2019

Tdot's brought one back!!!

After spending nearly 6 years in Seattle (I'm not going to lie, I only remember her location due to the fact that grey's anatomy was based there...;)), I've learnt earlier today that my good friend, Mich, will be coming back to the Tdot in another two months!!!!!

YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! :) I've missed this friend interaction soooooooooo much!!!!!

Considering our history...we had first met in Tokyo, Japan back in the mid-2000's...I'm going to say 2004/5?...when I was visiting Liz, who was teaching English in Osaka, and she had come on this trip to Japan with her then new bf (and my friend), Christian.

After our great experience in Japan, we continued our friendship within the CS (comp sci) group, what both she and Christian were studying at U of T. We discovered that we both liked to listen to music and eat out with the group of CS friends (back then, I was the social butterfly back at SMCSU and we had shared friends from CSSU). This led to us sharing great times going to the TSO (Toronto Symphony Orchestra) on the cheap TSOUNDCHECK tickets, scoring symphony tickets for as low as $19, an exclusive program for people ages 15 to 35.

Either way, even though we haven't seen each other as much since she's been away, I cannot wait to reconnect and hear how the train ride in to the Tdot was when she's back in October!!!

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