Sunday, July 21, 2019

What an exhausting weekend....but it was a GOOD kind of exhaustion, the type where you have a really restful sleep thus waking up to a new day!

I spent both mornings with a really nice & long aerobic walk in the little stretch of park walkway through the neighborhood as the sun was rising. This is the best time in the morning because the sun hasn't fully come up so the air is still slightly cool enough to walk with a rain breaker (in case it is cool or has drops of rain) as the heat has yet to gain it's full strength (and it DID both days). I love waking up with the birds chirping and the squirrels fighting over food! My favorite routine is after my morning walk, I cool down with breakfast before showering and getting ready for the day.

Saturday was spent visiting my really good university friend, Alicia and family. I'd brought some really cute types of colorful pasta as a gift for their having me over. It was really nothing considering they had me over with a wide selection of food, including blueberry pancakes made from scratch! Sunday involved no less food as I had afternoon tea (it's been some time since I'd last had afternoon tea!) with two abbeyite friends, Fayewood and Romz at T-buds off of Yonge, between Wilson and Lawrence. This is why I maintain my exercise schedule...not to lose weight but really to MAINTAIN my weight!

Normally this is where I chime in that come tomorrow morning, I'd go to work to gain back a 'normal' schedule...I'm not worried though. I have plans for this upcoming week. We'll see how this goes...

Now I'm off to catch up on Oscars (yes, this was back in February...don't judge!) before I catch some zz's!

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