Saturday, July 27, 2019

Being a flâneur

What a good way to learn about exploring Toronto through listening to a podcast. It's another way to learn about areas of our wonderful city!

Considering I was born and raised in Toronto, I find that too many people are stuck in their habits of simply going to work or school and then back home. We don't normally take the time to leave our routine and explore the many faceted areas of our very integrated city. There are actually so MANY different and wonderful parts of our city to explore on foot, literally right in our backyard! The best part of walking is that you don't need to rush around and can go at your own leisurely pace. (MY style ;p)

Toronto has some really nice areas to walk around in, I particularly like walking in the distillery district, st. Lawrence market and Kensington market areas to name a few. They're really good areas to get coffee and shop around in for little niks and naks.

You can listen to the Toronto Library Podcast called Stroll: Psychogeographic Walking Tours of Toronto here Focusing on being a flâneur and their love for walking around in the city of Toronto, this is a interesting talk between Toronto Star columnist Shawn Micallef and my SMCSU friend, wongie.

"The more I have walked, the more I have discovered that there's more to walk and understand." -Shawn Micallef, Toronto Star columnist and noted flâneur To listen to other different types of podcasts, you can check it out here.

This is one of the past-times that I love to do...walk! It's a really good stress reliever and type of exercise, just by being out and active.

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