Sunday, September 14, 2003

so i'm in the middle of reading this incredibly long anthropological paper and i decided to i've resorted to procrastinating AFTER i've begun my work.

the past week has been long, stressful and frustrating. i don't think i'll ever get into ant334 so i've enrolled in ant204 which actually seems pretty good, although the prof seems to be the type that goes off topic, whatever... and the prof for ant434 has given me permission to take her course without the ant334 prerequisite but the anthropology coordinator is giving me trouble for god knows why. i guess it's just to add to the whole stress experience. since i'm not in ant334 anymore, i'm now going to school 3 days a week. and it's not like my 3 days are crammed full of school...nooooo...infact it seems pretty surreal to me. i think it's crazy.

i've seen so many people this week it's insane. met up with ava on monday, spent half the day with charlene on tuesday helping her around campus because she just transferred from queens and afterall, u of t st. george is a hugeass campus and a map just doesn't cut it. i've discovered that my joint anthro-linguistic course is going to be kickass, considering that i never knew that my prof is some renowned semiotic person, marcel danesi, and i knew that it would be good because he started off his lecture saying "so, i forgot that i had to teach this course tonight, and i've only just printed off your course outlines..." fun fun. let's just say that i don't need timmy's for tuesday nights.

i think i'll probably still sit in on the ant334 lectures. that way i can still gain the information i need for ant434 and then be ahead of my fellow classmates whenever i decide (or when rosi decides) to take this course.

went out to dinner with patty on friday and we were going to visit her sister, rosita, at her dance class...but unfortunately, patty's mom needed to go to the hospital so we're all now praying that everything will be alright. queenie brought her "boyfriend" (i have boyfriend in brackets because she claims that they are only seeing each other and nothing else...this "seeing" has been going on for awhile too....hmmm...hahaha) to the studio and monica was having mini-heartattacks because they would leave the door closed...speaking of heartattacks, i had one in the middle of the u of t bookstore thursday night when i went to buy books with one of nao's friends, nicola. the photocopied book i was buying was priced at $105 but on the internet it said $38. so i died...but then i became resigned and decided i'd have to buy the book as i had no other choice, and then at the cash register it was discovered that the book WAS $38 so then i recovered. talk about killing the heart. i also would have gone to visit steve (nao's boyfriend) as it was his birthday, but alas, i had no present and it got pretty late before they left so i went home.

saturday was great because ALL my students came for class, which means i'm making $$$ again (with no hugeass gaps) and then after work, i went rollerblading with karen and eugene at my park which was great! karen's mom insisted on taking me out to dinner afterward (claiming it was my birthday dinner) and we went to swiss chalet, where she entertained us with her stories as a piano teacher (or as she claims, a MEAN piano teacher...hahaha!) and since it was quite unexpected that i'd be out all night saturday, i got no homework done, which is not exceptionally great.

so now i have to finish my readings, and hence, my procrastination is finished for now.

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