Friday, September 19, 2003

confusion reigns

first off, it's raining. i never really enjoyed being in the rain. i love the SOUND of rain, but i don't like being wet. it makes my hair frizzy and then i get cold. and sometimes if the rain texture is just right, and the drops are falling on my head, it tickles my head. and then i won't stop laughing.

went out to dinner with faye and karina yesterday at....oja's. we were "celebrating" faye's birthday...oh, and mine too. it was kinda funny because we were going to go to the madison for food and drinks, but karina forgot her ID, and then we were reduced to being 18 yrs old again, and wandering around looking for someplace to eat. the bill was the cheapest we'd seen in ages (and that's good!) especially since i've been spending money like my life depended on it. not on clothes, mind you, but on stupid stupid books. ok...maybe they're not all that stupid, but they ARE EXPENSIVE. $170 on ONE course. but at least i have all my books now. i've discovered that if i carry no money on me, i'd spend no money on coffee. but as soon as i have money on me, i just spend it on some frivolous item...such as a postcard for ms. bozek. or coffee, or food...and it goes on until i'm broke again.

i'm hoping to call tanaka tonight. shit's been stirring in the pot, and it's not good. to be getting drunk on a thursday night when she's got school the next morning, means serious business. luckily, karina will be visiting tomorrow so hopefully she can help clear things up. i'm only sorry that i won't be coming up this weekend, the phone will have to do. however, faywood and i will try to come up sometime in november. hang on!!!!!

you know, life would be boring if we didn't have our crisis' but sometimes there's just TOO MUCH.

then, i believe that would be called stress.

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