Wednesday, July 02, 2003

this was my canada day:
woke up at 8am and went jogging around our park (G. Ross Lord park or as joel used to call it...gross lord park). went home, showered ate...and then i went back to sleep. watched tv, looked at course selections and painted my nails. other then that, that was basically my day. well, except for when tanaks called at like 8:30pm. so i went to pick her up, and she came over to my house where we talked all about her time with yves (among other things) and then we watched some of "america's top model". i'm soooo excited! they FINALLY kicked off that silly sillly girl, robin, and now it's down to the final three...elyse, adrienne, and shannon. i'm TELLING YOU ALL NOW!!!! it's definitely gonna be elyse. heh heh

on another note: the pool party on sunday was great, even tho i didn't go swimming. i got a pretty nice shorts tan tho (ok, how nice that is, i don't know). what i REALLY want to do is go to the beach. liz, kirsten and bronwyn were supposed to go the other day, but they ended up going rock climbing. hmmm.

jogging this morning wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. we jogged 5 laps around queens park, but we also jogged a lap before we did i'm definitely patting myself on the back. some things liz and i noticed this morning...a dead pidgeon with it's legs still stuck in the air, these two guys were keeping a decent pace with us (they were running in the opposite direction, so we passed them twice each lap...i started to look forward to that!), and there are tons of mosquitos that are just dying to suck my blood. damn them.

anyway, that's it for now. my parents are bugging me about going to parties. so what if i went to a party on friday, sat and sunday? the point is, i NEEDED to go to them. kirsten's having a she-bang at her place on friday, and the abbey girls are getting together on saturday, and there's a meeting on sunday (whoops, not to mention amelia's having her birthday party that day too...)


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