Saturday, July 05, 2003

i have the biggest headache in the world. and the drugs alanna gave me don't seem to be working (it was one tylenol, i promise! ;p)

yeh, i just came back from dinner with my abbey girls. it was fun, but distressing. i was supposed to see jo today but we didn't cuz karina went to get her hair done and got them braided and then she was like 3 hours late, and then it just DIDN'T WORK OUT. well whatever, no point crying over spilt milk. so i haven't see cha, len, and faye in the LONGEST time. and satchmo and maija weren't there. =( but we had an ok dinner at the duke of kent on yonge and eglinton. i did NOT enjoy the seating arrangements, crowded for 7 ppl and then i was the lucky person that kept moving my chair around for the fat waitresses. hahaha...apparently i'm missing out on karaoke...hmm...i'd rather sleep.

went to see "finding nemo" with jo yesterday. what a GREAT movie! i swear, being a cartoon brings it no's one of my favorites... i ran thru all the emotions from being sad, to having a heart attack, to being really happy. good times!

had vietnamese with georges on...thursday? i don't, thursday and it was good to see him again, especially since he's been in washington to see his lovely gf, anna. he was late to workout and so i went with him, but i think that turned out pretty short cuz i was sitting a mat chatting like there was no tomorrow while he was sweating it out trying to beat anna's rowing time, which doesn't seem really possible. if you felt weird about going to that viet place that you went with anna, we should have went somewhere else, like that chinese place we always go...geez. (oh, incase there are some dense ppl, that was for georges)

and then the rest of that afternoon, i roamed downtown toronto. walked in the heat for like 2 hrs...can you say genius? ran into niche which was great, and then saw ryan burt, who apparently has been living with mike kwadrans, billy dunn, and justyna. and then went with tee for ABT, where i didn't see nao. but that's ok, steve's been in town. hahaha.

had a very very good conversation with my brother carl. he ALWAYS helps me out when i'm having mental problems (not literally) and he's really good with advice. i think he's straightened out some doubts for me. thanks bro!

i'm really really tired. so i guess i'm off to bed.

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