Friday, July 11, 2003

i just came back from some GREAT sushi with patty. yum yum, in my tum.

soooooooo, i hear juju slept through a fire alarm, that's pretty damn funny if i don't say so myself.

tanaks wasn't home today, that's too bad, i don't know what the hell to do with those MCAT me.

leader meeting tomorrow at gabby's and then the party moves over to the maddy later in the evening.

why am i writing in one sentence forms? cuz i'm thinking randomly and i don't feel like stringing them together to make lovely paragraphs....hmm...reminds me of that stupid essay.

i went shopping yesterday and went crazy at jacob. they were having this HUGE sale...(the sale sign was written in big bold red block letters and i just got sooooo excited!) and i bought 3 tops for $40. yahoo!

anyway, i don't know why i'm so tired. i keep going to bed soooo early, and i think it has something to do with waking up at 7am to run. hrmmm.

jo, have you finished reading harry potter yet? i miss you.

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