Tuesday, December 10, 2002

"joy to the world
and the boys and girls,
joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea...
joy to you and me"

that's the song that's been running thru my head the whole day...since i was in the GAP store at bayview village...hahahaha....what a fun song!

i went shopping with mom at the fore mentioned bayview village...wow that place is expensive! all i could do was window shop. if there's anything i like...well? what can you do? i saw the most perfect thing for kirsten! a HUGE key ring with like 20 places for her 50 million keys...but then...it was $36...and i don't have that kinda money to throw around...sorry girl!

i don't know why...but i always get soooo tired during exam time. i remember in the summer i used to take so many cat naps instead of studying...but i got thru it. so hopefully i'll be fine. tomorrow will be a LONG day at the library...yay kelly!

to my abbey girls: did you get the abbey unites email? michelle lee has been sending out emails to us all, in hopes that we'll all make time for a get-together dec 27th at marche...i think we'll go! it'll be fun times! i'm just wondering if we should just rent out the place for the nite, there's so many of us! hahahahaaa!

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