Sunday, December 08, 2002

hey guys...i know i know...and i'm really really sorry that i haven't blogged in awhile...i've been a very busy busy girl.

what's that? november 23rd? whoa it's been awhile.

i went to lunch with georges today. yay. and yeh...what's up with that? why did you eat before? ugh...i really don't know what goes on inside boys couldn't wait an HOUR before i got off work?!?!?! blah. but whatever, we had a good lunch cuz HE paid for it! hahaha! it's about time, especially all the other times i paid! and then georges ordered sake wine, and i said i was fine with that except that i forgot that i really don't like sake bad...

i can't believe i actually have time to's sooo weird, i keep thinking that i really shouldn't be blogging, and must be doing something else...but nah...i have PLENTY of time to study before my ONLY EXAM on dec 18! but the last 2 wks have been full of busyness...including writing a really intense paper for my poli sci class which i really really hope i did well on cuz i spent soooooo much time because i really don't know much about philosophy and i often spend more time on this class then in my other classes, which is really in a sense, retarded because poli sci is my elective and everything else is for my major and

and yeh...i've been studying for my ant test and stuff...and guess what?!?!?! i'm kicking skeletal ass like crazy! it's sooo much fun! so now that i'm off on a high, i'm gonna be so psyched about kicking some plant roots!!! heh heh! kelly library is my first home, and the place where i go to sleep at nite is my second home. and i'm not the only one with so much work to do...marko's been crazy busy studying for his engineer exams...and georges been going nuts with his soc and calc his computers assignment and philosophy paper...and he has an exam tomorrow that he hasn't even begun studying for...oh no...he's been out getting a crazy short haircut (which i was there for) and man is it short! as a certain person on his floor said "it looks like he'd been in a fight with a weed wacker and lost badly" ...ahahahahaaaaaa!'s not that bad...

oh man...went to "rowers" last nite for our SMCSU social...and it was soooo much fun! almost everyone came and went sometime in the evening...we had like 5 tables put together and chowed on an unspecified amount of wings and fries and nachos...wongie loved the little presents that i'd been buying for her throughout the week (cuz i was her kk)...i bought her the advent calendar chocolates for monday, a slinky for tuesday, mexican jumping beans for wednesday, a rita bender for thursday, and because i wasn't downtown friday, i included a cute little beaded bracelet in thursday's present as well! and then i bought her the norah jones cd that she absolutely loved!
my kk was awesome too! thanks to melissa for buying me that sunshine carebear! i love it sooo much! i was so shocked and happy when i got it! who knew that someone actually reads those smcsu commission bios?!?!?! all i had for favorite cartoon as a kid was: "carebear countdown stare!" and then i get the most adorable little stuffed bear....of course i also got a bottle of baileys as well...heehee...someone's gonna have some good nites with coffee...

went to a basketball game to watch the Raptors play the Sixers at the ACC the 24th of november...and we lost horribly...that was quite disgusting to watch...i was throughly disgusted with their playing to allan iverson they looked like robots gone horribly wrong...WHATEVER...i had a good time with the guys and lauren tho...pat wouldn't stop blowing lauren's big horn...and he had some blue pom poms stuck in the back of his it looked like he had blue hair!

hmm...what else? uh...smcsu's been through some rough times...but everything is in the process of being sorted the expense of some really early early mtgs during the busiest times of our lives...and jacob had a sale on underwear...5 pairs for $12!!! lisa and i went...and paul and ray came along...hahahahaa....we had to drag paul...and poor ray just had really bad timing and we ran into him while we were on our way...and dragged him too! but good times!

so...i'm so tired now...what with all my time spent on studying at the library, and working, and doing stuff for smcsu, and spending time with my boys...that's all for now...maybe i'll blog later if i think of some more exciting things that's happened.

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