Saturday, May 02, 2020

Virtual TM & Kids' Choice Awards 2020

Participated in the virtual Yonge-Eglinton Toastmasters meeting again this
Thursday April 30, 2020 where the evening's meeting theme was Walking Tour.

Cathy was the
wonderful toastmaster.
The first speech (a persuasive influence type) was given by Mani whose topic was Decisive Victory, where the one part that is completed (in a military battle) is the decisive victory but the war is not over.
My two takeaways from his speech was:
1. Best way to get people to do something is not by force but by heart and some humor.
2. Life isn't a war, it's a collection of decisive victories.

The last speech on Dynamic Leadership was given by Alphie with the most enticing title teaser of Be Like a Goofy Lumberjack Evaluation.
The main takeaway from the speech was to reinvent the wheel by remembering all the people who have helped along the way of maintaining his position (just getting up, not to be scared and just go!) as well as giving back as a mentor (with a lovely description of his own mentor who had a bushy beard and a goofy smile!). The speech was concluded wonderfully through his feedback of leading the boat and mentoring other people.

Winnie was the evening's
Quiz Master
As well, Kwanta,
the General Evaluator.

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