Monday, May 18, 2020

School Voyageurs, the arts and traveling flashback

As I'm reading articles about the fact that 'Travel will never be the same again thanks to covid-19' this has led to nostalgia about my past loves of travelling and education. Specifically regarding spring 2007 when I was a tour guide with School Voyageurs (whose name changed to New Dimensions Travel) thanks to the recommendation from fellow Ry U classmate (Ana), for the end of year school trips with middle school classes travelling to Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City.

Due to the training sessions that were mandatory for employees, I learned soooooo much information about the locations we were going to with the students and their teachers as we were the main tour guides on the route (except for when they had signed up for actual museum tours such as the National Gallery of Ontario where we could actually take part in learning from the tour). We actually even literally had thick binders that we carried with us on the trip to help us (like a cheat sheet) when we were guiding.

I'm not going to lie, this was a great teaching experience that I had gone out of my way to embark on my road in communications!

Sadly, especially due to the new environmental situation so many past teaching methods are now bygone. I've seen through many of my past piano teacher colleagues that they have now turned to online teaching via zoom/skype-ing sessions. I mean it's lucky that our society has become so able to take on this type of challenge but I must say that due to my past teaching experience it would definitely be a change in teaching methods with all this change.

Teaching and piano also leads my thought process over to the arts side as I see that already many performances have online as well. Sure, it seems more intimate for the viewers but as a past performer, it definitely leads to a very different performance vibe for artists. shame...

However, even though I've been out of the travel game for some time, it hurts to see the hit all of tourism has taken. It's such a tragedy...Mais, c'est la vie, non?
Time to get with the times...

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