Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day PTSD...

So we’d gone over to Ames’ place to celebrate the day.

However while we’d almost just arrived, mom was helping her with chopping some onions for her upcoming hotpot cooking session when she’d accidentally cut herself with the knife.
While she was quietly inspecting the ‘damage’ (no one noticed), Ames came to review...and as soon as she noticed the injury, panic ensued!!! The panic involved the suggestion of calling 911...(unnecessary)

Outcome is that even though mom did injure herself...however, a couple bandaids (more than one as dad apparently contaminated the first one 😉) did the trick!
If anything, Ames was much more traumatized by this than mom!!! (Mom’s fine! Dad & I were simply spectators...)
Crisis averted...whew!

Happy Mother’s Day!

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