Friday, March 05, 2004

i need to take up smoking weed....really....

the dress rehearsal was a DISASTER. the stage lights weren't working so we didn't start until at least 8:45pm...we weren't even into our very first song before mark accidently tripped over the piano (keyboard) light and broke the we had to stop and clean up that mess. THEN after we stuck a new bulb into the lamp, the bulb....exploded....yes, i mean what i just EXPLODED. pieces of glass everywhere, and smoke rising from the was completely unreal and i was so shocked because i was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT. i'm surprised i didn't cut or anything, i was THAT close. people kept forgetting lines and missing cues, even missing musical numbers and ugly shoes. i'm just crossing my fingers that we've gotten all the problems out TODAY, and that the next 4 shows will be better....

today was a spectacularly busy day. wasn't planning on going to work, but eva really needed me so i went in at 10am. OH!, what did she want me to do? play the little errand girl! ugh...oh well, i get PAID for it...THEN i had to walk over to the other side of campus to get an important document, but of course it wasn't done, and when it FINALLY DID get done, the paper was unprofessional and then it was like "whatever". let's put it this way....i was NOT impressed, and saddened by the nonchalent attitude taken on for something that i find so serious and important to me.

BUT....going dress window shopping with anna and simone was great fun. i think we've definitely found simone's little classic black dress, although it's still $180...ouch...

what do you think if lola and guy starts going out?

so apparently i'm going incoherent, and i might have work tomorrow. peachy.

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