Thursday, August 01, 2002

ahahahaaaa....that was tanaka's first words to me on the phone today...apparently everyone's been under the impression that's i'd dropped off the face of the world! well...technically i did. after all, i'd been working all weekend on my anthropology essay on falun gong which was due monday and couple days after i was working on my geology building rocks assignment that was due today! I HAVE SURFACED FOR AIR! ;p

the funniest thing happened yesterday. you see, i went down to union station with karl on tuesday to scout around for rocks and we found some AMAZING stuff. well i went back yesterday with cahyee (i gave her a VERY NICE descriptive and informative tour) and i was taking pics of the rocks that i planned on using at the bce place when cahy tapped me on the shoulder and pointed behind me...a security officer! i was soooo scared that he was gonna kick us out and tell us we couldn't take any pics! but instead, he handed me back my eraser that i left from the day before (i didn't even realize i left it there) and said "you're the girl that came yesterday"...ahahahaaaa the SECURITY GUARD remembered me!!!! cahy laughed at me the whole time!

i made the mistake of mentioning to cahy that i own no dresses except my prom/formal dress. and she picked a dress off the hanger at jacob, shoved it in my face and said "GO. put that dress on NOW" and i did ...and i looked AWESOME in it! i was soooo surprised! so i bought a total of two dresses for $50 at jacob. one's a casual beige dress and the other's a black formal dress (perfect for the gala in october) and cahy was SOOO PLEASED with herself for converting another fellow chick into a girl!

so yes, i had tan lines from the day before so i wore one of cahyee's halters from american eagle! i love it! they actually even had a sale on those same halter tops...but they were all extra large...booooo...but it was funny because matt used to work there and all the sales people were like "aren't you matts...??" to cahy and she was like "yessss" and rolled her eyes! ;p oh...the halter didn't work...i still have WHITE tan lines....i can't believe i used to be sooo white! but there is PROOF!

ran into cesar today. he's such a nice guy! too bad he has a girlfriend of a year and a half! boo! j/j! he's such a hottie! and he was trying to teach me the techniques and everything about buying a car and how to check the oil and pump gas and check tire pressure! he's cool...he introduced me to this guy named ashley...he was cool too!

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