Sunday, August 25, 2002

DAY #8
aiee liz is here! mom's family is 7/8's complete! it's been jokes and laughter all day! i don't remember ever laughing so much with my mom! i love our family! they are the nuttiest! we're just finishing a sea food dinner that kuh fou george cooked for us...and now we're getting ready to go shopping till midnight (vancouver time) yay shopping for cheap stuff!

dad drove us to west vancouver today, lonsdale quay, where we ate and drank merrily! oh my god, the funniest things happened to mom. see, she's the nit-pickiest of us all...very clean very orderly. dad parked the car and we all piled out to go walking along the wharf when ah yee mary starts laughing hysterically and saying mom's got gum on her shoe! kuh fou george starts running after her with a tissue and is bent over getting the gum while everyone else is holding her still so that they could get the gum off! damn! i forgot to take a picture! it was hilarious! that's not also flattened the bread with her ass! she made sure ah yee mary wouldn't sit on the bread when they got in the car and then forgot to look when SHE sat down! my gosh! we laughed till tears were rolling down our cheeks! we then went and bought lotto 649 with mom.

talked to john today! i miss everyone. i really do. it's too bad i don't have a long distance phone plan and need to rely on $5 phone cards. ah well, better then nothing. he's great! i can't wait to see you when we get back from vacation!

all i have to say is that i can't wait till we get the pictures developed!

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