Tuesday, August 20, 2002

DAY #3
went to lake louise and radium springs all day. we were up at 7am (how is this a vacation ppl??!?) and had breakfast in this really quaint diner (i'll have pics) and spent most of the day....in the car...tho...i have some really cool highlights! ames saw a deer in the morning...and then we almost ran into a baby deer (we didn't)...we also saw a nuclear family (for all you anthro ppl out there) of mountain goats at radium springs...let me tell you what a disappointment radium springs was. we went there expecting a yellowstone geyser spitting natural spring...what did we see? A POOL...and they wanted us to pay too! so we went to the banff town instead and went shopping...oooh! they only pay 7% tax in alberta! i'm sooooo getting $15 bras! yeh!

we had a BEAUTIFUL day today and lake louise was just awesome...we went 5 years ago and i can still remember it was an awful day. no sun whatsoever. today the sun was out and shining and the baby chipmunks were all over the place. the lake we a beautiful shade of turqouise and the glaciers were really pretty. all that geology crap that i took in really came in handy today!

uncle bob drove us to this restaurant called smugglers where they had THE BEST roast beef! jeff came after work and ate the most. 16 ounce piece of meat! i'm still trying to digest my thin slices of 8 ounce meat! and to top it off, i went home with jeff and he made it a point to sckreech at every light, race with every car, vroom off really fast AND with his dance music turned up to the max....it was AWESOME! ahahahaha!

i think they went down to watch lord of the rings in bob's home theatre....i started to watch it this afternoon, but alas...headache and stomach cramps, now i'm relaxing with my chamomile tea!

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