Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Social distancing

Wikipedia’s definitely of ‘social distancing’ is a set of nonpharmaceutical infection control actions intended to stop or slow down the spread of a contagious disease. With the main point of social distancing is in hopes to reduce the probability of contact between persons carrying an infection, and others who are not infected, so as to minimize disease transmission, morbidity and ultimately, death.

Why this necessity at this time?

Unfortunately, the entire world is dealing with coronavirus (COVID-19), an infectious disease caused by a new virus that had not been previously identified in humans. The virus causes respiratory illness (flu-like) with symptoms such as a cough, fever and in more severe cases, pneumonia.

It’s so debilitating as even though it doesn’t discriminate to any age, it seems to mainly affect older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions. (Note, parents in this category...even though I’m just past the second point.)

Therefore, even though it goes against my will...social distancing it is...for now.

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