Sunday, October 06, 2019

Patience is what is indispensable to make a dream come true...

Otherwise known as 'patience is a virtue'.

Even though I'm in the midst of crazy job and life changes still...I've been slowly closing up shop on hopefully the end of my health battle in the chapter of life (fingers-crossed). In regards to the job front, there's been activity on that end so there's also something to look forward to...

While at the same time, I've spent two days this week lunching with past co-workers from my last job in preparation to a fellow co-worker's last day (today) from the company as well. Tuesday's lunch was spent with my actual past 'child operations' co-worker's team at the 'Granite Brewery' with a granite burger; where today's lunch was spent with past 'contract' co-worker's team at 'Churrasco Villa' with a chicken wrap and fries. I must also take an opportunity to thank my friend, Efren for the Portuguese tart dessert!!!

As well, I enjoyed a nice lunch with my cousin's, Alice and Grace at Sushi Moto on Wednesday. Our table was given a free tofu dish along with my own meal of beef enoki roll (enoki mushroom and beef wrap, teriyaki sauce) and a salmon sushi pizza (salmon, crunch, mayo on crispy rice patty)...yum!

Finishing off with a farewell dinner with Tanaks, Kristy, Karina, Faye, Marc, Karina's brother/sister & partners at El Mariachi Tacos and Churros in Mississauga! This was crazy fun as it brought back soooooo many memories of high school days but in the present! It was the best farewell dinner for Tanaks before she, Kristy and Karina leave for Oz by the end of the year for their own new chapters in their lives over there!

Excellent incentive to visit oz again!!!

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