Tuesday, October 22, 2019

And we're still on the train with Trudeau...

With all the pre-election drama with the party candidates, liberal still came out triumphant even though it's a minority win.

I was working the election as a poll clerk and even though it was a super loooooong day (from 8:30am-11:30pm with a couple of 15 min breaks), it was worth the excitement! There were a couple of really busy periods but overall there was a pretty regular tide of voters. Other than the approximately half our 'lights out' in the gym (however, the lights in the hallways were still on and we all pulled out our cellphone lights (haha) before they were turned on again), it was pretty smooth sailing.

Luckily, this wasn't the first election I've worked. It's the first big (for the PM) one but I've worked as information and registration clerk in a couple of smaller election ridings.

Therefore, Mr. Trudeau is still very relevant which is good for our Mr. (cat) Trudeau!

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