Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's been quite eventful recently, celebrating some friend's birthdays (Tony and Christian)... with the biggest event of the year that occurred last saturday on aug 18 (which also happens to be Ames' birthday!), 2012. 

My bestie, Shelley is now a MRS!

To be completely honest though, even before this day (it was the WHOLE day, with TWO ceremonies...on the west side in the morning, and then richmond hill in the afternoon/evening) occuring...she's technically been married in my mind.  lol, the engagement has taken a very long time!  Well, at least now it's all done and she's happily married!

Of course she and hubby had to come home from windy city for a week or so (not even...), do the deed, and now they're back to work.  Fast and clean (as opposed to dirty), lol!

Now the family and I are heading off for just over a week vacay to Montreal and the falls.  In this time I shall be celebrating another great even in my life with the dirty thirties....:O oy!! 

Here's wishing another big event that will have excellent outcomes!


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