Thursday, April 19, 2007

After months of neglecting some homies, I have returned with a vengence!

Yesterday was an excellent display of my efforts. Met up with my cheery cousin for spring rolls at Salad King. When we walked in, the smell of the food made us sooooo hungry! Luckily we were smart, and just had the spring rolls which filled me up. I cannot wait to meet Cam for her birthday! :)

I digested by walking through Eaton center. I must say that the mall disappoints me. There is nothing that I've seen that made me really excited to buy anything. Maybe I should just save up to spend when I am in Oz. Carl called while I was wandering around and we met up for coffee at the BCE place. I haven't seen my brother since January! Always the same, but I love meeting up with him to chat about things in life. Always puts everything into perspective for me, and makes me happy!

The great thing about the location was that he works in the building with Marche (since named, richtree) which was where I was meeting Fayewood for dinner. Highschool buddies rock! It was so good to catch-up on our lives. We have decided that we're going to the beach for the Canada long weekend. Yay to warm weather. That was the best part of the day, the sun came out! So walking outside in a skirt was much easier. hahaha. Walking to....the princess of wales for Phantom of the Opera!

I swear, I never get tired of musicals. I can watch them over and over and over again. And this production was no exception. Although the guy who played Raoul was an awful singer, the Phantom, and Christine were amazing. The pyrotechnics were nice, but I can't say I was a fan. Too many popping and heart-stopping moments. hahaha. Either way, Faye's a darling for taking me to the show. What a great early birthday present!

Speaking of birthdays, tomorrow is a special day for Jordan and Tanaka!!!! Happy birthday!

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