Sunday, December 04, 2005

happy belated birthday satchmo, happy early birthday karina!

what great fun it was to see my girls this evening. for some reason, cha thinks i'm the funniest thing on earth, why? i don't see it. hrm...

poor satchmo didn't realize the restaurant she picked was so far up north, so while the rest of us were at the lcbo getting her "presents gift wrapped", she was freaking out cuz she was late for the reservation. and while she went out clubbing at "afterlife" with litta and claudia, the rest of us went to see maija's new apartment that she shares with her adorable hubby (who was at a bachlor's party this evening...convenient) and we stayed and watched this crazy home video that she had made with some of her girlfriends she lived with last year about a stalker. yah that's right you read correctly and no i'm not going to explain it. haha.

well i have gotten hold of 12 past exam papers for history 5 and i was sort of skimming through them today. it's unbelievable how scared shitless i am now. ack. well i have 5 more days left and i will definitely have to make the most of it by shutting myself in the basement with an endless supply of starbucks. so farewell until then.

and to imagine that after this i have to think about 4 counterpoint, 5 analysis and 5 harmony (because i can't remember if i took it or not...i think i did already)...the possiblity of dennis teaching 4 counterpoint to me and johnny? scary yet at the same time, enlightening.

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