Monday, December 26, 2005

day 2: snowboarding

what a fantastic experience. i have to admit that i think i'm snowboarding the wrong way. i know for a fact that snowboarders face forward...however, i am most comfortable facing backwards! i think it has something to do with which foot is forward. i face forward with my left foot. it thought that the right foot at the back does the maneuvering but clearly i am wrong. but then, i was much too lazy to go in to change the foot forward...hence ending up snowboarding backwards! hahaha. that and plus getting up when i'm facing the hill is much easier then getting up when your ass is on the ground.

ah, which brings me to the various parts of my body that has been subjected to this torturous outdoor sport. (it's interesting but skiing brought the same results, but i suppose i can't remember skiing. haha) anyway, my butt isn't speaking to me anymore, i think that's a good thing. because it's my right knee that's bitching at me right now. i've got at least 4 bruises on my knee, is that possible? and my upper arms are just so sore. serves me right to go snowboarding two times in a row. i have various parts of my thigh and calf muscles screaming at me. that's partly what i'm not sleeping yet. i'm too scared to!

the weather has been pretty craptacular. it rained most of yesterday, thereby melting the snow. but it snowed overnight for a bit so that was exciting! karina came with connie and marta for the evening, and so we had a blast on the bunny hill. that's right...the BUNNY HILL. haha. my sister and i tried the big hill twice (and by big hill i simply mean the largest of the easy hills) and we finally gave up and went back to the bunny hill. hahaha.

but i'll be home tomorrow, and i'll rest up then. until then bailey's will have to do! ;p

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