Friday, February 25, 2005

soooooooo incredibly tired. yet why am i still awake? i'm actually not sure why...i figured i'd just post a little sumthin sumthin and then be on my way to sleep land.

i got a test back today. i thought i had done horrible on it, seeing how i had spent a total of only 18 hours at starbucks cramming for the test two weeks ago. so the prof walks into class today 20 mins late (only at u of t people) and announces that she has our tests, that they've been marked, except that she hadn't finished recording them in her book. fine. so she lectures briefly and then sticks a movie in so that she can finish recording our marks. great. and then she comes back in and tells us all that she has our tests and everyone can get them back but only people from A-G would have their mark and grade and everyone else would get them next week or see her to get the marks. seeing as my name begins with an M, i picked up my test and went to see her. looking at the marks in just the short answers section, it didn't look very encouraging. but i was watching her write my mark and grade upside A-. CRAZY. unbelievable. so the gist of this story? i'm a happy camper! ;p celebrated with smoothies! hahaha.

the dao is chilling-ly

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