Friday, February 18, 2005

reading week was a complete waste of time. all i did was eat, watch lots of movies, eat, see people, and did i mention eat? ugh. and now i'm looking at my calendar again (which i haven't looked at in awhile) and suddenly i realize that i need to get my act on with my chinese philosophy assignment (which i haven't a clue what i'm going to be doing it on) and oooooh, i'm sooooooo incredibly screwed music-wise as i haven't touched the piano in a long time and we should all know that that is a big "no-no".

in other news, here are two websites that are definitely worth checking out:
ames this is my sister's new website address, and she just did a trip back down memory lane of her past web layouts, they are awesome! so pretty!

the phat conductor this guy, dylan is in my chinese philosophy class. he does some pretty cool breaks, and he gives his music away for free!

i should go play some piano now (like it'll do me any good...)

1 comment:

s3cyw said...

wow u finally blog :P ~~

sounds like an okay reading week haha better than mine'z!!

haven't seen u around lately? where have u been?!!?...
