Tuesday, January 04, 2005

what am i doing? i'm so tired right now, i'm falling off my chair but of course i decide that this will be the time that i blog about my very VERY short winter break.

first off: i had an amazing time!

right, so i currently have a huge bruise on my left bum cheek from skiing. no i don't suck at skiing, it just happened that the two days i skiied in mont tremblant, they were shitty days. the 31st of december it rained all day and the visibility was as good as nothing. i went skiing that day with my sister, and after falling the gazillionth time and even performing the splits, she decided to call it quits and i ended up going solo the next day (which i totally didn't mind, in fact i think it was better that way, i could go faster...yay!) the only problem was that the next day the weather got cold and the rain from the day before became ice and that made for a great abt workout on the slopes. ;p

so new years was in mont tremblant and christmas was in NYC. this is all i have to say about asian bus tours: NEVER AGAIN. never had i ever felt so asian in my whole entire life. hahaha. i mean sure i got to go to NY for cheap, but after this...NEVER AGAIN.

actually i have so many stories to go with that trip but i'm just way too lazy to type it all out. but it was a great trip, just too claustrophobically asian for me. yech. (picture an asian tour guide in a bright yellow puffy jacket holding a yellow flag and yelling for us to follow him...shudder...ames totally knows what i'm talking about!!) but the best part of that trip was that i was there for the boxing day sale at saks fifth avenue and was able to score myself a pair of gorgeous garnet chandelier earrings for a low (but still insanely high) price of $37 from $115. go me.

interestingly enough, i spent the most amount of money in kingston. as soon as i got in and met up with tanaka, she said "hey miao, we're going shopping now." the biggest "oh oh" in the world, and about $80 later....i ended up with a pink coat, a pink top and a very cute black sweater with a poodle. hahahaha. jokes, so jokes.

anyway, school is back and therefore so is running into all these random people that i haven't seen in 3 billion years. so far i know a fair amount of people in my classes, i am just waiting to see if anyone is in language acquisition with me, and that will make my day.

i lied. you know what made my day today? seeing the hot starbucks boy at college and yonge.

wow. nuff said.

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