Thursday, January 13, 2005

oh this is just craptacular...i am so totally putting the blame squarely on matt. why? if he hadn't taped the first episode of the second season of The O.C., and then had me, shelley and carmi watch it an hour before the second episode (while explaining the crazy drama, who dated who, who is who's mom...), i never would have been hooked to this multifaceted eye candy show! honestly, is it just me or was lindsay wearing a purple bra with a sweater on top to cover herself?!?!?! and the coincidental hooking up of everyone with their respective girlfriends and boyfriends (with the exception of the girl who got dumped by the gardener)...and next week everyone is dumping everyone.

geez, you'd think i had better things to be GILMORE GIRLS. unfortunately that show hasn't had a new episode in ages. i hear maybe the week after next week? COME ON. i want to know what's going on in stars hollow, i want to know if luke and lorelai are ok (i personally think lorelai is better suited with christopher...but that's me), i want to know if rory will date the hot hot hot rich cutie, and i want to know where lane and zack's relationship is going.

so i realize this rant is very superficial as it centres around the comings and goings of television people, but i'm way too tired to try to write something of importance, so i guess i'll save it to tomorrow? or is that today? hmmm...we'll see how i feel after i wake up after a bag of sour cream and cheddar chips....among the various other junk food i've had today. but please, let's not dredge that up tonight.


Faith said...

I think Lane and Dave were the perfect couple...stupid Adam Brody got stolen by the OC (although also a fan of Seth so that works out somewhat...still better on Gilmore Girls though).

Anonymous said...

Oh that was TOTALLY just a purple bra under a sweater...who wears that?!?! really? I too am getting caught up in this's my Beverley Hills 90210 days coming! The Horror! Whatever, the boys are hawt....

Cat xo

the little princess said...

yes yes i completely agree. the boys and girls are gorgeous, i think i kind of drool as i'm watching. and yes dave and lane were THE best couple (come on, who reads the bible THREE times to look for the quote that mrs. kim came up with?!?!) i *heart* dave.

you know what is a good show to watch? CSI. i love the part where they do the autopsy on the dead person, reminds me why i took bio anthro in the first place.

Anonymous said...

i'd recommend arrested development. hi-larious show
