Tuesday, January 25, 2005

i ran into henry yesterday after class and after berating him about not blogging, i promised him that we would both make a more conscientious effort to blog more. HA.

it's not that i haven't tried blogging, the computer said no and shut down several times, or i forgot what i was writing and gave up. i dunno. it's been busy busy what with all the rehearsals and substitutions and trying to gather up my thoughts and whatnot.

it has also been snowing alot and i think that is a good thing. snow is good for the economy, this is what canada is known for. it does cause of lot of traffic delays and falling downs, but oh well.

so what is up? well other then the fact that THE musical (CHESS) has taken over my whole entire being, i have no life. well ok, i do have one sort of. There is a hockey game at the varsity this thursday (smc vs. vic...we are so going to kick vic's asses) so that will be a well deserved break from doing nothing, as well, if anyone is interested in going it would do well to bring some non-perishable foods as that is the point of the game, to bring in donations.

There will be a pseudo abbey reunion saturday night (oh horrors, i don't want to jinx it) but thanks to len, it looks like it will actually happen. ESPECIALLY since i got a special call from my buddy corona today. wow did i feel special! ;p hahaha. And dinner at grace and juju's? we'll see about that. i may not have room after dinner with the girlies. ok, maybe for that tiramisu dessert that the cousin makes. ha!

whatelse what else? oh right so i am selling homemade cookies at 1 for $0.25 and 3 for $0.50 and all profits will be given to the graditude fundraising committee, and i've made just over $10, wow i should feel proud.

meh, nothing big now except for the TSO for 3 piano players on 3 grand pianos and some street music (with a guy drumming on the subway with two pieces of rubber) coolio. there's a guy in my death and dying class that dimps and i have nicknamed the "smelly guy" because the past two weeks he looked like he didn't know proper hygiene. but we are reconsidering the nickname because he looked SOOOOOO hot in class today. damn he looked good with the specs. oh and plus there is always starbucks boy, who always makes me so happy when i see him. hahaha.

oh i missed velma and kelly. love you too.


Anonymous said...

*le sigh* Starbucks boi......*licks lips*

Anonymous said...

Um - might I just point out that you really shouldn't be all THAT proud of the cookies considering you didn't make them.

But yeah, good for you anyway. (And mom.)

the little princess said...

so i'm just wondering who posted the last comment, because correct me if i'm wrong, but i found it quite rude. regardless of whether or not i made them (which actually is a good thing because people might die if i made them), they were made for a good cause. and that is the end of THAT.

desiree said...

You went to the 1, 2, 3 Pianos at the TSO???

That's hot.

I went to the Mozart concerts which were before and after that one. There's this Asian guy who plays the violin who's super hot.