Saturday, July 10, 2004

there's an angel watching over you...

i can't sleep. i keep thanking god over and over again for having an angel watch out for one of my loved ones. what i would do without her i have no idea. i'm so grateful that the boys were there to keep her company and make sure she was ok, i love those boys. i know, jacob keeps telling me over and over not to kick myself and no one's to blame, freak accidents happen. but somehow i still think over in my head, the many stupid things that lead to this circumstance...definitely gives a different perspective as to how i take this world for granted. i'll cherish my loved ones with a deeper passion and greater respect, and not dwell on the little petty and selfish people who aren't worth a penny for their thoughts.

life goes on, it's how you make the most of it that counts...

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