Sunday, June 27, 2004

i really SHOULD start my field report...after all, it's due tomorrow...whatever, i'll get to that after i blog...maybe... ;p

congratulations to flo and alan on a great bbq, although i can't say much about the food, for some odd reason i was particularly full last night *wink* and i don't know how to explain it, but i think flo lost me and matthew for a bit there...where did we go? i say we were in the basement watching the simpsons the whole time, i think flo was just too drunk to see us! *gasp* hahaha. also, i wish i knew the kids were going to be there so that i could bring michelle's yarn ball with me, as well as pictures from japan...i think we still need to meet up to go over the pictures some time!

so let me tell you about the fabulous time i had at the docks on friday...went over to simone's after work and dinner with the folks, and met up with steve, brandon, chad, richard and sajel (birthday girl) at the docks. great music + smirnoff raspberry twist (new favorite drink) + shot of something steve bought = a hell of a good time! at least i can say this time that i really did dance! (flashback to halloween...hahahaha) jacob came by after work to buy sajel a couple more shots and then he was kind of enough to come home with me as the subway stopped running.

dad bought tickets to the terracotta warriors show playing at the elgin theatre and we went to that on tuesday. ames was wondering how good it would be but i think we all throughly enjoyed the show. i think i enjoyed the movement of the long flowing robes that the dancers/actors wore and even though the music was of the traditional chinese kind with drums and strings and even an opera singer, it was really great to hear and see. i definitely recommend people to see it!

travel update:
cat and shelley are leaving wednesday, i think i need to see those girls again before they go!!!!! *tear* and i think i'll be seeing ava sometime this week, as she's off to japan next week! on the bright side, georges should be back tomorrow and i think we're supposed to go out (?!?!) plus faye should be back from france sometime soon...

ok, so it doesn't look like this field report will write itself...too bad.

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