Friday, April 16, 2004

this has been bugging me for a couple of days....someone told me that their impression of me was that i'm "lady-like". whoever agrees with that comment, please feel free to let me know WHY they have that impression of me! i'm not insulted or anything....just...FLABBERGASTED (hahaha, gotta love that word!) i feel that clearly this person doesn't know me, because i don't THINK i'm lady-like at all. hahahahaha. mind you, i'm not saying i'm VULGAR....just....not necessarily the epitome of feminity (? is that a word? yes, i know i have a habit of making up words....shitakular, name a few...) it's just that when i think "lady-like" i think "high maintenance" like those girls who can't live without spending an hour on hair and makeup and jewelery.

so really, i'd like to know what it is about me that would give off that impression, if at all. i 'd like to make some sort of witty comeback to that person who made such an outrageous suggestion! ;p

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