Saturday, April 03, 2004

i really wanted to blog on thursday right after i got off of the subway...

the train was leaving summerhill and heading towards rosedale when the train conductor's voice is heard: "attention all subway passengers, i regret to inform you that all trains will be out of service from rosedale to dupont station..." you can literally hear the collective groan in the subway car, as well, i start swearing like a mofo and calculating that walking from rosedale isn't REALLY that far from the library.... "all today, tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe the next couple of months..." by this time i realize that this is too awful to be possible and then two words flash in my head and i turn to simone and say: APRIL FOOLS! "happy april fools everyone!" now everyone is all relieved and smiling, and yes it was a great joke because everyone had a heartattack, but no one died. i was so excited about this, that as we got off at wellesley, i turned and waited for the train to go by and told the conductor that it was an awesome joke!

my cousin, lanthia, just had a girl! her name is krystal and she's the most adorable thing in the world! lachlan sent me some pictures and he's calling her "little monkey". i wish i could see them, hmmm....maybe i'll go to australia next year.....

oh and i've got pictures! of course i'm too lazy to scan them in and stick them on the website, so you'll have to wait another week or so before i have enough time to be able to procrastinate.

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