Tuesday, June 10, 2003

they better not eliminate elyse next week....or else there will be hell to pay...

lets bet shall we? i bet that either elyse, kesse, or adrienne will be america's new top model, why? because i'm psychic. ;p now enough about that.

so i saw THE perfect couple on my subway ride home today. they were both tall, beautiful and immaculately dressed. The guy was in a beautiful smokey grey suit, with a grey silk tie, and the girl had perfect hair and makeup in a cream colored skirt and jacket. i couldn't help but keep staring at them. i'm sure they think i'm crazy, but hey, it's not everyday you see the perfect couple. heehee.

GUESS WHO I SAW?!?!?!?! chris martin from coldplay! not....nah, i only saw chris tidey, the new prez of VUSAC. he looks different now, i'm not sure what it is, but more...reserved? anyway, he's invited to me to come chill at the VUSAC office sometime. maybe i'll do that when i'm less busy, but i guess he's LONELY. poor mr. prez.

i also saw georges at hart house. it was weird. i was just finishing my run and flo was just finishing her bike, and then i turned around and it was georges! he told me the funniest story about the 15 yr old girl at the ROM who he met that night when he went to see those short movies with mu, marko and whoever else...so you say anna reads my blog? well then, HI ANNA! i hope you're having fun in Washington DC! i enjoy your live journal too! ;p

where has grace been? hiding? perhaps she's working at laura secord with jules, but why she hasn't bothered to mention that to me is beyond me. HEY! i want free ice cream! mwahahahaaa!

you know what else is really cool? getting $60 for wining & dining at that smc dinner. wow! i'm definitely going to volunteer to do this more often! the annual golf millenium classic is coming up. i'm letting everyone know now...ESPECIALLY smcsu ppl! we want you there to represent us! plus, you get to play golf with brian o'malley, president mcgowen and the such. i think a couple of priests are going too. no one went from smcsu last year, i forget why, but lots went the year before (the alessandro desimone year, haha). we've got to live up to our GOOD name (snicker, oh man)

before i forget again...COLDPLAY IS GOING TO BE IN TOWN TOMORROW! AND GUESS WHO WILL BE THERE?!?!? ME!!! that's right, BE jealous....very very jealous. AND it's a special someone's b-day tomorrow....i'll let you all guess! ;p

yay, coldplay!

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