Sunday, July 11, 2021

Outdoor Keg dining Saturday evening

Sunday Dim Sum
brunch dining
Update regarding second vaccine:
Even though I was originally told the vaccine to be Pfizer, I hadn't been surprised (as my father had received the same notification at his appointment: he took it with no issues) nor any problem receiving my second vaccine shot in the form of Moderna. Mainly due to a CBC article on 'Why mixing Pfizer and Moderna vaccines couple help Canada end the pandemic sooner' posted Jun 23, 2021 that gave an indepth explanation on why the mixing of vaccines due to Pfizer's delayed shipment and the avoidance of losing vaccine rollout steam at a critical time.
According to the article, this move was deemed acceptable between the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines to be used interchangeable, due to the fact that they both use a smiliar mRNA technology.
However, the article reported a claim that I saw firsthandedly - that there have been increasing reports of Canadians turning down second doses of Moderna at vaccine clinics if they'd already received a shor of Pfizer, over misguided conderns that mixing the two shots may not be as safe or effective (my mother and my manager's wife being prime examples).
As the article pointed out, an emergency Physician states 'it's unfortunate when people cancel their appointments, because if you look at the structure of the vaccines, they're identical in almost every way and if you look at the way they perform...they almost always mirror each other.' A doctor had also stated 'Staff at our vaccination clinic were saying people showed up, they were excited about getting their vaccine and they were told they were going to get Moderna and then ehty said, 'Oh, I think I'll wait until I get Pfizer.' 'Don't refuse Moderna, it's a really good vaccine - it's easity the equivalent of Pfizer.'
Another doctor points out that the familiarity of Pfizer makes people feel more comfortable. Moderna has been plagued with delays and smaller shipments, so it's been more below the radar.

I'm simply pointing out that as a recipient of mixing mRNA formulas, I'd like to believe that I've more of a shield against this unknown invader...c'est toute!

Also caught the Gossip Girl reboot this weekend! Unfortunately, I had jumped onto the original Gossip Girl bandwagon very late in the game of the original series between 2007 & 2012 through Shelley's influence, I hadn't realized just how much of the plot I'd missed while following the first episode of the reboot. Granted, I don't have the time to even try to binge watch even MORE shows so I'm resigned to know that I will follow this KNOWING that I'll be learning always of what I didn't know ...if this makes any sense...

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