Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Countdown towards Christmas...

My presents (thanks to Fayewood's delivery & my pickup from Winnie's...minor case in point, even though it was so nice to see them...very difficult to resist the innate social urge to hug...even just fist bumping is borderline considering...) are lined up and ready for Friday!!!

Had a quick chat with Ling in Oz this arvo (Wednesday morning for them) where she sent me several photos of the kids where one looked like they were all snapping their fingers...but apparently (when I brought it up) they were making they were making 'love hearts' similar to how they're done from Korean shows (that I DO NOT watch. Case in point...details...)

Decided (can also enter different synonym as my recordings are getting to the timeframe where it'll be deleted regardless of whether it's saved or not...I question this...hrm...) to watch The Tenors -- Fan Favorites with Victor, Clifton & Fraser where they sang classics and hits from the Great American Songbook such as 'Hallelujah', 'Bohemian Rhapsody', 'My Way', 'Sweet Caroline', 'Always on My Mind' to name a few!

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