Friday, October 30, 2020

Happy Halloween!!!

I recognize that even though Halloween is tomorrow, I wanted to wish it earlier as today already feels like a celebration of Halloween! (Okay, not really but let's just go with a reason to celebrate!!!)

And THAT reason is because I had a TWO HOUR phone conversation with my bestie, S this arvo!!! Goodness, it's been wayyyyy too long since we last caught up...actually the last time was right after my birthday (ahaha, I'm totally laughing my arse off because I FINALLY know how to use the Starbucks gift card that you'd gifted me! Obvio more of a Timmies girl!) where we ALSO spoke for two hours...I suppose we make do with the long duration in between actual conversations...besides the constant random whatsapp convo spurts that we regularly take part in!

The best (and MOST IMPORTANT) update is regarding her father, yay!!! Such wonderful news that things are ALL good since his heart surgery two weeks ago!!!! ALWAYS sending ALL MY BEST LOVE to the fam!!!

Soooooo....the CELEBRATION has BEGUN!!! *woot woot*!!!!!

minor detail of weather relevance: I noticed on my walk this morning that it seems to be cold enough to break out the earmuffs again...oi!!!

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